Card Bonuses

Master the battlefield by leveraging powerful bonuses that can turn the tide of any battle. Each bonus offers unique abilities, allowing you to build custom strategies and outwit your opponents.

🌟 Charisma

When this creature attacks, a random allied creature gains +🟠 attack and +🟠 health.

🟠 is drawn between 7 and 14 (accumulable)

ðŸŦ‚ Mourning

When this creature dies, a random allied creature gains +🟠 attack and +🟠 health.

🟠 is drawn between 6 and 12 (accumulable)

💊 Crowd Charisma

When this creature attacks, all allied creatures gain +🟠 attack.

🟠 is drawn between 5 and 10 (accumulable)

💖 Healing Aura

All allied creatures regain 🟠 health at the end of each turn.

🟠 is drawn between 3 and 6 (accumulable)

ðŸĪŠ Taunting

Opponents always prioritize attacking this creature.

🌀 Aura

All allied creatures gain +🟠 attack and +🟠 health. (the bonus disappears when the creature dies)

🟠 is drawn between 3 and 6 (accumulable)

ðŸ˜Ą Fury

This creature gains 🟠 attack points every time it receives damage.

🟠 is drawn between 7 and 15

ðŸĪ Crowd Mourning

When this creature dies, all allied creatures gain +🟠 attack and +🟠 health.

🟠 is drawn between 3 and 6 (accumulable)

ðŸ’Ļ Stealth

Whenever this creature takes combat damage, it has a 🟠% chance to dodge it completely.

🟠 is drawn between 30 and 50

ðŸĐļ Bloodthirst

Whenever an enemy creature dies, this creature gains +🟠 attack and +🟠 health.

🟠 is drawn between 2 and 5 (accumulable)

ðŸĶ… Aerial Strike

When this creature attacks, it also deals 🟠 damage to all other enemy creatures.

🟠 is drawn between 2 and 4 (accumulable)

â˜Ģïļ Plague Spreader

At the end of your turn, deal 🟠 damage to a random enemy creature.

🟠 is drawn between 2 and 4 (accumulable)

🔊 Ruthless

If this creature overkills an enemy, the leftover damage is inflicted to another random enemy.

💀 Back to Life

When this creature dies, it resurrects with 1 health point.

ðŸ›Ąïļ Divine Shield

The first time this creature takes damage, it ignores it but loses Divine Shield.

🐍 Venomous

If this creature deals any damage, it instantly kills the opponent.

ðŸŽŊ Multi-shot

When this creature attacks, it also inflicts damage on the enemy to the right of its target.

ðŸ‘Ĩ Clan Aura

All allied creatures of the same race gain +🟠 attack and +🟠 health. (the bonus disappears when the creature dies)

🟠 is drawn between 4 and 7 (accumulable)

🧎 Blood Bond

When this creature dies, a random allied creature of the same race gains +🟠 attack and +🟠 health.

🟠 is drawn between 8 and 16 (accumulable)

🍖 Cannibalism

Whenever a creature of the same race (ally or enemy) dies, this creature gains +🟠 attack and +🟠 health.

🟠 is drawn between 3 and 6 (accumulable)

⚡ Execution Speed

This creature attacks twice in a row before ending its turn.

ðŸŒą Regeneration

At the end of each turn, this creature regains 🟠 health points.

🟠 is drawn between 10 and 20 (accumulable)

🧊 Insensitive

This creature does not take damage when it attacks.

🧛 Life Steal

When this creature deals damage, it recovers as much health.