
New year, new leaderboard 🎉 Deck scores have been reset

We display the player rankings based on their best deck. The score of your deck evolves each time you face an opponent, but it also changes when an opponent plays against you, even if you're not actively playing.

Each time you play, your deck's score adjusts based on the difference in skill between you and your opponent. If you win against a stronger opponent, your score increases more significantly than if you beat a lower-ranked player, and vice versa for losses.

You can also view the ranking by race: Human, Undead, Orc, Dwarf, Beast, Elf, Abnormality or by level: Rare max, Very Rare max, Epic max

General Ranking

# Player Deck Score
Mulot1980 🐁 1985
MrManchot ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1959
Togaa Deck 1 1876
Razheem My first Deck 1851
notCLM Hard2kill 1725
Tibeo Prepus gang 1651
Bulbhead Suck My Deck 1642
Clm Hard2kill 1629
LittleSnake rare 1616
Solkan [MH] Hall of Fame 1531
Asheroz Beasts Rule 1528
Yokumilo Black Pearl 1500
DadouBiinks My first Deck 1498
Sined SinedBeasts 1498
Ooshu My very long deck 1498
Siobhan Test 1494
Castor85 Hit that ! 1486
Pilzhen My first Deck 1423
Azeb IZIPIZI 1399
meeshoot ðŸĨĩ UwU ðŸ’ĶðŸ’Ķ 1353
Toto main 1325
Sthaile Niak 1322
Krollnox Primero 1234
Pkea thhdtr 1214
Zeelot My first Deck 1196
yoyo bon 1169
ASHERA My first Deck 1140
JJgrunge [MH] JJ 1122
Makho My first Deck 1105
Egirel undead 1103
MArc My first Deck 1095
Caer Xhan My first Deck 1077
Cekho My first Deck 1055
Dahmarguy My first Deck 1006
Reijinn Undead 1006
mix My first Deck 987
chen My first Deck 983
Lemmy My first Deck 938
gamecrud dumbdeck 936
googlyeyesultra My first Deck 936
Sebcaillot My first Deck 908
DylaMan559 My first Deck 872
Fdz My first Deck 821

Race Rankings

Below are the rankings for all known races, showing only decks made up exclusively of that race.


# Player Deck Score
MrManchot Thorncrown & Gemstorm 🧭ðŸī‍☠ïļ 1768
Bulbhead Foire d'Empoigne 1527
Ooshu Human 1461
Solkan [MH] Stay Human 1445
Tibeo Stormwind gang 1436
Asheroz Humanilation 1353
notCLM Human 1344
Sined SinedHuman 1314
Castor85 Jeu d'humain, jeu de vilain 1292
Togaa Human 1198
Mulot1980 Human is so stupid ðŸĨī 1171
Razheem Human 1151
Yokumilo Human 1135
Pilzhen human 1086
Caer Xhan Human 1064
Toto humans 1018
ASHERA Whoman 975
Egirel human 853


# Player Deck Score
MrManchot Golden Fury 🧟‍♀ïļ 1667
Castor85 Wanted : Undead or Alive 1452
Ooshu Undead 1399
Bulbhead The Dead Don't Die 💀 1387
Solkan [MH] Never Die Again 1363
Siobhan Undead 1360
Tibeo Not Alive gang 1344
Mulot1980 Le retour des morts-riants 🧟 1339
Togaa Undead 1257
Asheroz Undeads Rule 1250
DadouBiinks 2 eme 1235
Clm Undead 1191
Pilzhen Undead 1163
Sthaile Daily 1121
Egirel undead 1103
Sined SinedUndead 1080
Yokumilo Undead 1045
ASHERA Undeeds 1030
Razheem Undead 1028
Azeb Undead 1004
CPASAZEB Udead 986
Caer Xhan Undead 934
LittleSnake Low 875


# Player Deck Score
MrManchot Breezeclaw 🧌 1526
Togaa Orc 1447
Bulbhead For the Horde! 1444
Castor85 P-Orc qui piquent 1380
Tibeo Shrek gang 1358
notCLM Orc 1344
Asheroz Orc rules 1332
Solkan [MH] For the Horde 1197
Razheem Orc 1160
Yokumilo Orc 1129
Siobhan Orc 1097
Pilzhen Orc 1072
Toto orc 1066
Sined SinedOrcs 1063
Mulot1980 Orcgasmique 🧌 1059
Egirel orc 1004
Caer Xhan Orc 985


# Player Deck Score
Tibeo Passe-Partout gang 1562
MrManchot Windsong ⛏ïļ 1532
Bulbhead ðŸĪ 1444
LittleSnake Nain pour tous et tous pour nain 1440
Razheem Dwarf 1405
Siobhan Dwarf 2 1358
Mulot1980 Super Naintendo 🧔 1341
Ooshu Dwarf 1320
Asheroz Dwarfs Rule 1288
Togaa Dwarf 1230
Yokumilo Dwarf 1135
Pilzhen dwarr 1101
Sined SinedDwarves 1085
Castor85 Diggy Diggy Hole 1077
Solkan [MH] Small is beautiful 1056
Toto nain porte quoi 1007
Egirel dwarf 978
Caer Xhan Dwarf 972
Cekho Deck1 952
Lemmy My first Deck 938
ASHERA Drawings 895


# Player Deck Score
Mulot1980 Fear of the Beast 🐇 1925
MrManchot Aqua Cheetah & Ravencloak 🐆🐚 1786
Asheroz Beasts Rule 1528
Sined SinedBeasts 1498
Yokumilo Beast 1372
notCLM Beast 1352
Castor85 RRRrrrr!!! 1345
Solkan [MH] Shadow of 1323
Siobhan Beast 1266
Togaa Beast 1236
Razheem Beast 1142
Bulbhead Number of the Beast 1135
Toto beast mode 1092
Pilzhen Beast 1090
Tibeo Minos gang 1059
Ooshu Beast 1056
ASHERA Beasties 984
Caer Xhan Beast 970
Egirel beast 891


# Player Deck Score
Togaa Elf 1662
MrManchot Flameblade 🧝 1526
Ooshu Elf 1471
Castor85 Elfest 1385
Tibeo Illidan gang 1354
Razheem Elf 1333
Mulot1980 Elfie not selfie 🧝‍♀ïļ 1282
Asheroz Elfs Rule 1212
Siobhan Spok 1205
Solkan [MH] Piked Ears 1184
Bulbhead Sylvanus 1086
Yokumilo Elf 1084
Pilzhen elf 1049
Sined SinedElves 1045
ASHERA Elfsgang 1003
Egirel elf 975
Caer Xhan ELF 968


# Player Deck Score
Togaa Abnormality 1064
Pilzhen abnormal 998
MrManchot Polarparrot Oddity ðŸŧ‍❄ïļðŸĶœ 982
Clm ðŸĪŠ 980
Mulot1980 Mulability 🐁ðŸĶĶ🐒🐙 964
Tibeo Nope gang 963
Razheem ab 962
Bulbhead Double Rainbow 936
Sined SinedABnormal 936
notCLM ðŸĪŠ 895
Yokumilo Abnormality 877
Asheroz Abnormals Rule 868
Ooshu Abnormality 864
ASHERA Abbo! 846
Egirel abnormalities 831
Solkan [MH] Norms 747

Level Rankings

Below are the rankings for decks whose cards are all below or equal to the indicated level.

Rare max

# Player Deck Score
Mulot1980 Rare max 😅 1644
MrManchot Rare & Lower 1270
Bulbhead Rare 1262
Yokumilo Rare ou moins 1165
Togaa Abnormality 1064
Sined SinedElves 1045
ASHERA Undeeds 1030
Egirel rare lower 1026
Caer Xhan Rare 1004
Pilzhen abnormal 998
Clm ðŸĪŠ 980
Tibeo Nope gang 963
Razheem ab 962
Lemmy My first Deck 938
Sebcaillot My first Deck 908
notCLM ðŸĪŠ 895
DylaMan559 My first Deck 872
Asheroz Abnormals Rule 868
Ooshu Abnormality 864
Fdz My first Deck 821
Solkan [MH] Norms 747

Very Rare max

# Player Deck Score
Mulot1980 Rare max 😅 1644
MrManchot Very Rare & Lower 1556
Castor85 P-Orc qui piquent 1380
Tibeo Low gang 1340
Asheroz Orc rules 1332
notCLM Healing 1310
Siobhan Beast 1266
Bulbhead Rare 1262
DadouBiinks 2 eme 1235
Clm Undead 1191
yoyo bon 1169
Yokumilo Rare ou moins 1165
ASHERA My first Deck 1140
Pilzhen dwarr 1101
Toto beast mode 1092
Sined SinedUndead 1080
Togaa Abnormality 1064
Egirel rare lower 1026
Caer Xhan Rare 1004
mix My first Deck 987
CPASAZEB Udead 986
Razheem ab 962
Lemmy My first Deck 938
googlyeyesultra My first Deck 936
gamecrud dumbdeck 936
Sebcaillot My first Deck 908
DylaMan559 My first Deck 872
Ooshu Abnormality 864
Fdz My first Deck 821
Solkan [MH] Norms 747

Epic max

# Player Deck Score
MrManchot Epic & Lower 1894
Mulot1980 Rare max 😅 1644
Bulbhead Suck My Deck 1642
Clm 18 1555
Asheroz Beasts Rule 1528
Sined SinedBeasts 1498
LittleSnake snake2 1497
Castor85 Wanted : Undead or Alive 1452
Azeb IZIPIZI 1399
Yokumilo Beast 1372
Solkan [MH] Never Die Again 1363
notCLM Beast 1352
Tibeo Low gang 1340
Sthaile Niak 1322
Siobhan Beast 1266
DadouBiinks 2 eme 1235
Krollnox Primero 1234
Togaa Dwarf 1230
yoyo bon 1169
Pilzhen Undead 1163
ASHERA My first Deck 1140
Egirel undead 1103
MArc My first Deck 1095
Toto beast mode 1092
Caer Xhan Human 1064
Ooshu Beast 1056
Cekho My first Deck 1055
Razheem Undead 1028
Reijinn Undead 1006
Dahmarguy My first Deck 1006
mix My first Deck 987
CPASAZEB Udead 986
Lemmy My first Deck 938
googlyeyesultra My first Deck 936
gamecrud dumbdeck 936
Sebcaillot My first Deck 908
DylaMan559 My first Deck 872
Fdz My first Deck 821